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What is Pinky Propping?

What is Pinky Propping?

One-hand texting style has become a common way of holding phones, leaving most of the weight on our pinky. Although, this phone position may feel natural and efficient, it’s actually doing more harm than good. Discover the dangers of Pinky Propping.
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Smarthritis (formally known as Smartphone Pinky) is a condition caused by overuse of smartphones and the effects they have on the “pinky” finger

Smarthritis: What Is It? And How to Cure It

People everywhere are suffering from Smarthritis™ . Even if you have most likely felt the effects of Smarthritis™  in your life, but you’re probably asking yourself…what is Smarthritis™ ?
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Symptoms of Smartphone Addiction

Symptoms of Smartphone Addiction

Whether sending work emails or browsing Instagram, we spend most of our waking hours on screens. This continuous use of phones affects our fingers. Pinky Propping, formally known as Smartphone Pinkie, is becoming common.
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The Fear of Dropping your Phone

The Fear of Dropping your Phone

According to research one out of three Americans currently have cracked screens on their phone.

In a recent study, it was discovered that we drop our phones and retrieve it from disaster about 6 times a week, and actually do drop our phones, 4 times a week. One-third of Americans have dropped their phone in the toilet!

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